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ENGL 1010: English Composition I, Prof. Sweet

A course guide for students in Prof. Sweet's English Composition I class.

ChatGPT & College Writing - In Focus

Political Correctness on College Campuses - In Focus

Tennessee Third Grade Retention Law - In Focus

Paper 1 Topics

  • ChatGPT & College Writing
    1. How might the widespread use of ChatGPT impact the role of higher education in society? Are there potential benefits or drawbacks to relying on AI-driven models like ChatGPT for educational purposes?
    2. In what ways can higher education institutions leverage ChatGPT and similar AI technologies to enhance the learning experience for students? What are the ethical considerations that should be taken into account when integrating AI into higher education?
    3. What are the potential challenges and limitations of using ChatGPT as an educational tool in higher education? How might the biases present in the training data used to train ChatGPT affect the quality and fairness of the information provided to students?
    4. How might the use of ChatGPT impact critical thinking skills among students in higher education? Are there concerns that relying on AI models for information and analysis could lead to a reduction in independent thinking and the ability to evaluate information critically?
    5. What are the implications of using ChatGPT and other AI models for academic integrity in higher education? How can institutions ensure that students are not misusing or plagiarizing content generated by AI, and how might the use of AI affect traditional forms of assessment and evaluation in academia?
  • Political Correctness on College Campuses
    1. How do debates surrounding political correctness on college campuses intersect with principles of free speech and academic freedom? What are the potential tensions between fostering inclusive and respectful environments and protecting the right to express diverse opinions and ideas?
    2. To what extent does political correctness on college campuses influence the open exchange of ideas and the pursuit of intellectual growth? Are there instances where concerns about political correctness may stifle critical thinking, dissent, or the exploration of controversial or unpopular perspectives?
    3. How do power dynamics and social hierarchies influence discussions around political correctness on college campuses? Are there instances where certain groups or individuals may be disproportionately affected by the enforcement or lack thereof of politically correct language and behavior?
    4. What role does context play in determining the appropriate boundaries of political correctness on college campuses? How should institutions balance the need to create inclusive and respectful environments with the recognition that different disciplines, academic settings, and social contexts may warrant different approaches to language and discourse?
    5. How does the debate surrounding political correctness on college campuses relate to broader societal conversations about identity, diversity, and social justice? How can higher education institutions navigate these complex discussions while promoting both inclusivity and intellectual rigor?
  • Tennessee's Third Grade Retention Law
    1. What are the potential long-term consequences of Tennessee's new third-grade retention law? How might the retention policy impact students' educational trajectory, self-esteem, and overall academic success in the future?
    2. What evidence-based research or data supports the implementation of third-grade retention as an effective strategy for improving educational outcomes? Are there alternative approaches that have been proven to be more successful in addressing academic challenges among young students?
    3. How does Tennessee's third-grade retention law align with principles of equity and fairness in education? Are there concerns that the policy may disproportionately impact certain groups of students, such as those from low-income backgrounds or marginalized communities?
    4. What support systems and resources are provided to students who are at risk of being retained in the third grade under this law? Is there sufficient investment in early interventions, tutoring, and personalized instruction to ensure that struggling students receive the necessary assistance to succeed academically?
    5. How does the third-grade retention law in Tennessee address the underlying factors that contribute to academic difficulties among students? Are there systemic issues related to curriculum, teacher quality, or resource allocation that should be addressed alongside or instead of implementing a retention policy?