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Beginning Research and Finding Resources in the JSCC Library

This guide is designed to assist students in performing basic research using JSCC Library resources and online resources

How to find Books in the JSCC Library Online Catalog

You can use the JSCC online catalog either on or off campus.  To get to the catalog, go to the Library homepage address:

When you are in the Library homepage, check the box beneath the large picture titled, "Resources."  Then click into the link in that box titled:  Find a Book/DVD/Video    This will take you into the JSCC Online Catalog.

Once in the catalog, you can begin searching for materials on your subject.  Type your search in the search box beside the search options box; you can search by: Keyword, Author, Title, Subject, and Call Number.

When you have typed in your search words and clicked on "Submit."   Provided your search is successful, a list of titles will come up. 

Let's say you want to do a keyword search for information about the topic, organic farming.  Think of words that might be used to retrieve information on your topic.  


           Organic farming                  Organic gardening                Organic agriculture        

                 Sustainable farming          Food and biotechnology                     


Print books that you find in your online catalog searching will usually have Library of Congress call numbers.  The call number is unique for each individual book or volume set of books.  Since call numbers are created according to the subject matter of the books, you will find books that have the same or similar subjects grouped together on the Library's shelves.

When you have found a print book you want to look at, be sure to write down the call number so that you can find it on the shelves.  Make sure that the book has a Status of "Available;" if the book is checked out to somebody already, it will say so under the Status area.

Also, note the Location of the book.  JSCC Library has several small collections of books, such as:  Health Sciences Area; Juvenile Collection; College Textbooks; Reserve Room; or, Tennessee Collection.  

If the book that you are looking for is to be found at one of the JSCC site libraries in Savannah, Lexington, or Humboldt, the Location area of the record will say that the resource is at a site library.

Finding Electronic Books (eBooks) in the JSCC Library

How do you find eBooks on any particular topic?  The electronic book records are in the online catalog, along with records of print books and other resources (DVDs, Videos, and audio-cassettes, for several examples). 

You will find electronic books by typing a search in the search line of the online catalog, just as you find print books.  How do you tell when you have found an eBook in the catalog?  Electronic books do not have call numbers, such as print books have.  Also, their location is designated as  "JSCC Electronic Resource." 

The eBooks are not found on the shelves but are read online.  Catalog users, provided they are JSCC students or employees of JSCC, can access eBooks both on and off-campus; other Library patrons can only read the eBooks in the Library.

eBooks can also be found by making an "Advanced" search in the online catalog and limiting the Material Type to E-BOOK.  

How are eBooks accessed?  Let's say you want to read the highlighted eBook below, which you found  when you did a keyword search for "organic gardening":

                Example search for organic gardening


How do you get into this book to read it?  First, click on the bold-type, underlined title: When Good Gardens Go Bad.   

When you've clicked into the title, look at the green box, "Online Availability.  Choose the link titled: 




When you have clicked into this second link, you will be taken to the electronic book's "eBook Details" site.  Once you are on the "eBook Details" site you only have to click on the link "View this eBook" to actually get into the text.