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English Composition II Charles Oliver Savannah

Finding a book

You have access to over 54,000 printed books and 200,000 electronic books.  These books can give you an in-depth look at literary topics

To find books in the JSCC Library, use the Online Catalog.

You will be asked for your Netlogon to access the electronic books in the Online Catalog. 

You can also try the Twayne's Authors Series.  It provides cover to cover text from the many books about authors published by the Twayne Company.

The Scribner's Writer's Series is also great for finding a complete  online book about an author

Accessing the JSCC Library from Home

When you access the JSCC Library electronic databases or electronic books, you will be prompted for a username and password.  This is your Netlogon that you received when you registered.

Getting Help in Savannah

Contact Sonya Horton in the Savannah Learning Resource Center for help in doing research

Contact the Writing Center consultant in the Savannah Learning Resource Center for help in writing your research paper