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Library Marketing & Outreach with Community Practice: Campus Outreach

Chattanooga State Campus Outreach Example

The Campus Outreach layout, box titles and types may be copied.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The below campus guides should not be copied and shared outside of the marketing and outreach community practice group.  These campus guides are the exclusive property of the divisions and departments. Permissions for replicating their content should be requested through the guide editor and the department or division dean or director.



  1. Writers@Work
  2. Chautauqua Series
  3. Y.A.L.L. Book Club
  4. Meacham Workshop
  5. Early College Library Liaison: STEM, Collegiate, HCDE Schools, Tri-County High Schools

Campus Guides

  1. Career and Counseling Services
  2. BEST Emergency Guide
  3. Student Support
  4. Learning Support
  5. Student Tech Help - Tiger Techs
  6. Early College, STEM, HCDE Schools
  7. Reading & Writing Center
  8. Faculty Center
  9. Enrollment
  10. Financial Aid
  11. Prior Learning Assessment
  12. Veterans Affairs

Student Technology Support:

  1. Student Tech Help - Tiger Techs
  2. Tigerpedia - Campus Wide FAQ Knowledge Base

Campus Guides

Campus Guides - Admins

Note: Campus Guides are separate from the library's website and are set up and supported by Lori Warren as the Outreach Coordinator to campus departments.

She works with the campus marketing department to synchronize the colors, templates and content with the college's website.

Each campus guide has one to two editors from the department's staff. They provide content and keep it updated. Lori offers ADA compliancy recommendations.

Design Options

  1. Top & Side Navigation
  2. Set Campus Header
  3. Color Scheme

Campus Guides

Settings for the campus guides group.

* The campus header is set

* a couple of color settings for tabs

* some css

* The owner is allowed to choose the template, but tabs are the default.